
Turning ripples into waves

Plotting a GeoDataFrame with folium

The visualization of thematic maps can get very messy very quick when there are many points to plot display.

In this post we will plot data from shapefile in the most visually efficient way possible.

Let's open our shapefiles with geopandas. (GeoPandas makes our task easy and that will ...

Active Fire Data WMS Modis layer

No mês de novembro a Chapada Diamantina enfrento um dos piores incêndios de sua história.

Nesse post vou evidenciar uma triste realidade sobre incêndios no Brasil. Usando uma camada WMS dos focos de incêndio ativos nas últimas 48 horas, começando o mapa na Chapada Diamantina, peço que deem um zoom ...

Desabafo de um Pesquisador

This guest post was written by Juliana Leonel. She is a Chemical Oceanographer, professor at UFBA, and Pythonista. The post is about the Brazilian researchers eternal struggle against useless bureaucracy.

PS: Make sure to check out her crowd-funding campaign to study Persistent Organic Pollutant.

A razão pela qual escrevo é ...

Converting Excel data to valid GeoJSON

In the previous post we created an interactive map using two GeoJSON files. In this post we will show how to create those files.

First we had to read the original Excel tables. We known that pandas+xlrd can take care of that easily. The next challenge was to create ...

Custom icons in folium

We had an interesting problem. How to create a map with SECOORA's assets showing all the buoys, gliders, HF-radars, and land stations as an interactive map?

To accomplish that we had to use a specific folium PR, that will be part of the next release, with the new custom ...

NLTK, maps, and 007

The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is on of those amazing piece of Software that surprises us just by the fact that it works. Just Google it and be amazed!

Recently I found the module geograpy which extract geographical information (countries, regions and cities) from texts using NLTK.

So why not ...

xml is OK (if you don't have to write or read it)

DISCLAIMER: most of the code below was stolen from the old, but still awesome and very useful cfchecker.

I am writing a library that needs to "understand" the CF-conventions standard names table. More specifically I need to know the variable standard_name and its corresponding units. The format of choice for ...