AVISO Altimetry data is available in two formats, gridded and along-track data. Sometimes the along-track data is desirable, instead of the gridded data, to augment hydrographic data. The along-track has a higher spatial and avoids the several assumptions made for the grid interpolation.
This example helps to find the nearest track to a point of interest. The AVISO group provide a nice kmz compilation with all the satellites tracks and availability in time:
The kmz format is just
a compressed kml. So it is straight forward to unzip it and read its information
with a simple python script. First we will need to import zipfile
and a
import zipfile
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fastkml.kml import KML
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
Then we need to define a function to read the kmz file:
def read_kmz(fname):
r"""Reads AVISO kmz file and return a dictionary with tracks as
keys and position (lon, lat) as values."""
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(fname)
kml_string = zfile.read(zfile.filelist[0].filename)
kml = KML()
Document, Folder, SubFolder, PlaceMark = [], [], [], []
tracks, points = dict(), dict()
for Document_feat in kml.features(): # 1 level.
for Folder_feat in Document_feat.features(): # 2 levels: lines and dots.
for SubFolder_feat in Folder_feat.features(): # 20 levels.
for PlaceMark_feat in SubFolder_feat.features():
if PlaceMark_feat.styleUrl == '#LINE': # 254 levels (tracks).
track = PlaceMark_feat.name
pos = PlaceMark_feat.geometry.xy
tracks.update({track: pos})
if PlaceMark_feat.styleUrl == '#DOT':
track = PlaceMark_feat.name
pos = PlaceMark_feat.geometry.wkt
points.update({track: pos})
return tracks
def plt_tracks(tracks, color, **kw):
for track, (lon, lat) in tracks.items():
lon, lat = map(np.array, (lon, lat))
# Prevent matplotlib from connecting the lines.
mask = lon >=0
m.plot(*m(lon[mask], lat[mask]), color=color, **kw)
m.plot(*m(lon[~mask], lat[~mask]), color=color, **kw)
def make_map(lonStart=-50, lonEnd=-40, latStart=-30, latEnd=-21,
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))
# Setted for nautical chart 01.
m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlon=-59, urcrnrlon=-25,
llcrnrlat=-38, urcrnrlat=9, lat_ts=-26, resolution='i')
m.ax = ax
if image:
img = plt.imread(image)
m.imshow(img, origin='upper', alpha=0.45)
lon_lim, lat_lim = m([lonStart, lonEnd], [latStart, latEnd])
m.ax.axis([lon_lim[0], lon_lim[1], lat_lim[0], lat_lim[1]])
meridians = np.arange(lonStart, lonEnd, 1.5)
parallels = np.arange(latStart, latEnd, 1.5)
xoffset = -lon_lim[0] + 1e4
yoffset = -lat_lim[0] + 1e4
kw = dict(linewidth=0)
m.drawparallels(parallels, xoffset=xoffset, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], **kw)
m.drawmeridians(meridians, yoffset=yoffset, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], **kw)
return fig, m
To find the nearest track we used a simple knn_search function. Here is the final result.
def knn_search(x, D, n):
ndata = D.shape[1]
n = n if n < ndata else ndata
sqd = np.sqrt(((D - x[:, :ndata]) ** 2).sum(axis=0))
return sqd
def find_nearst_track(tracks, point=(-44, -28.5)):
name, dist = None, 1e4
point = np.atleast_2d(point).T
for track, data in tracks.items():
data = np.atleast_2d(data)
new_dist = knn_search(point, data, 1).min()
if new_dist < dist:
name = track
dist = new_dist
print("Nearest track: %s" % name)
return tracks[name]
tracks = read_kmz('./data/Visu_J1TP_Interlaced_Tracks_GE_V3.kmz')
fig, m = make_map()
lon, lat = -44, -28.5 # Some Buoy.
kw = dict(marker='o', linestyle='none', markersize=8, markeredgecolor='w',
m.plot(*m(lon, lat), label='Buoy', markerfacecolor='#2e64fe', **kw)
# Altimeter tracks.
kw = dict(alpha=0.7, linewidth=3, solid_capstyle='round', zorder=1)
plt_tracks(tracks, color='#848484', **kw)
# Closest track to the buoy.
lon, lat = find_nearst_track(tracks, point=(lon, lat))
m.plot(*m(lon, lat), label=u'Nearest altimeter track', color='#f2123f', **kw)
_ = m.ax.legend(numpoints=1, loc=2)