
Turning ripples into waves

CTD2DataFrame take 2

The easiest way to obtain the module used in previous posts is to download the source code for the oceans python module and add the python-oceans/oceans directory to your PYTHONPATH similar to what we done for the python-gsw.

To clone the repository using mercurial type:

hg clone

and to update:

hg pull
hg update

Now you can import the pandas modified DataFrame and load CTD (SeaBird CNV and FSI ASCII formats) and XBT (EDF) files directly.

from oceans.ctd import DataFrame
seabird_cast = DataFrame.from_cnv(fname)
fsi_cast = DataFrame.from_fsi(fname)
xbt = DataFrame.from_edf(fname)

The available methods are:

  • split: Separate upcast from downcast.
  • plot_vars: Plot two variables together (usually Salinity and Temperature).
  • swap_index: Change the index (usually from pressure to depth or scan count).
  • press_check: Check for pressure inversions.
  • get_maxdepth: Cast maximum depth.
  • plot_section: If the DataFrame is a collection of CTD stations this plot the section.

There is also a modified pandas Series (1D DataFrames) with the following methods:

  • plot: Plot the CTD profile.
  • smooth: Smooth the profile.
  • despike: Remove spikes from the data.
  • bindata: Performs a bin average.
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This post was written as an IPython notebook. It is available for download or as a static html.

Creative Commons License
python4oceanographers by Filipe Fernandes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
