
Turning ripples into waves

Plotting Quickscat wind velocity and Hellerman and Rosenstein wind stress climatology

As soon as classes return from a "forced" holiday (AKA Carnaval), I indent to show my Weather and Climate students some database sources to create the figures they need for their homework.

Here I'll show two simple examples: wind from scatterometer (Quickscat*) and wind Stress from the Hellerman and Rosenstein climatology.

The concepts we will discuss in class will be: Synopticity, Wind, Wind Stress, and Climatology.

* Quickscat recently provided a really nice python class to load its binary data. Check my modified version for python 3 at the bottom of the post.

In [2]:
import sys

import numpy as np
import as ma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from netCDF4 import Dataset
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from quickscat import get_uv, QuikScatDaily

def make_basemap(projection='robin', figsize=(10, 5), resolution='c'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
    m = Basemap(projection=projection, resolution=resolution,
                lon_0=0, ax=ax)
    parallels = np.arange(-60, 90, 30.)
    meridians = np.arange(-360, 360, 60.)
    m.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[0, 0, 1, 0])
    return fig, m
In [3]:
qscat = QuikScatDaily('./data/qscat_20091031v4.gz', missing=-999.)

winddir = ma.masked_equal(qscat.variables['winddir'], -999.)
windspd = ma.masked_equal(qscat.variables['windspd'], -999.)
lon = qscat.variables['longitude']
lat = qscat.variables['latitude']
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

u, v = get_uv(np.ones_like(windspd), winddir)
bad = np.where(windspd < 0)
u[bad] = 0.
v[bad] = 0.

windspd = windspd[0, ...]
u = u[1, ...]
v = v[1, ...]
In [4]:
import os
filename = './data/'

if os.path.isfile(filename):
    nc = Dataset(filename)
    nc = Dataset("")
X = nc.variables['X'][:]
Y = nc.variables['Y'][:]
time = nc.variables['T'][:]
taux = nc.variables['taux'][:].mean(axis=0) / 10
tauy = nc.variables['tauy'][:].mean(axis=0) / 10
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
tau = np.sqrt(taux**2 + tauy**2)

vec = taux + 1j * tauy
spd = np.abs(vec)
ang = np.angle(vec, deg=True)
ang = np.mod(90 - ang, 360)  # Zero is North.
taux, tauy = get_uv(np.ones_like(spd), ang)
In [5]:
kw = dict(latlon=True, color='black', alpha=0.75)

cut = slice(0, -1, 15), slice(0, -1, 15)
fig, m = make_basemap(projection='robin', figsize=(10, 5), resolution='c')
cs = m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, windspd,, latlon=True)
fig.colorbar(cs, extend='both', orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.65, pad=0.05)
Q = m.quiver(lon[cut], lat[cut], u[cut], v[cut], **kw)

cut = slice(0, -1, 4), slice(0, -1, 4)
fig, m = make_basemap(projection='robin', figsize=(10, 5), resolution='c')
cs = m.pcolormesh(X, Y, tau,, latlon=True)
fig.colorbar(cs, extend='both', orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.65, pad=0.05)
Q = m.quiver(X[cut], Y[cut], taux[cut], tauy[cut], **kw)

All done! Now they have at least two examples to start working.

In [6]:

This post was written as an IPython notebook. It is available for download or as a static html.

Creative Commons License
python4oceanographers by Filipe Fernandes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

[QuickScat] download
Module for reading and verifying RSS gridded binary data files.

Remote Sensing Systems
444 Tenth Street, Suite 200
Santa Rosa, CA 95401, USA
Terms of Data Use:

import sys
import copy
import gzip
import decimal
import numpy as np
from operator import mul
from functools import reduce
from collections import namedtuple
from collections import OrderedDict

class Dataset(object):
    """Base class for bytemap datasets.
    Public data:
        filename = name of data file
        missing = fill value used for missing data;
                  if None, then fill with byte codes (251-255)
        dimensions = dictionary of dimensions for each coordinate
        variables = dictionary of data for each variable

    All classes derived from Dataset must implement the following:
        _attributes() = returns list of attributes for each variable (list)
        _coordinates() = returns coordinates (tuple)
        _shape() = returns shape of raw data (tuple)
        _variables() = returns list of all variables to get (list)

    The derived class must provide "_get_" methods for the attributes.

    If the derived class provides "_get_" methods for the variables,
    those methods receive first priority.

    The "_get_" methods in this module receive second priority.

    The last priority is "_default_get", which requires:
        _get_index(var) = returns bmap index for var
        _get_scale(var) = returns bmap scale for var
        _get_offset(var) = returns bmap offset for var

    def __init__(self):
        self.dimensions = self._get_dimensions()
        self.variables = self._get_variables()

    def _default_get(self, var, bmap):
        data = get_data(bmap, self._get_index(var))
        acopy = copy.deepcopy(data)
        bad = is_bad(data)
            data *= self._get_scale(var)
        except _NoValueFound:
            data += self._get_offset(var)
        except _NoValueFound:
        if not self.missing:
            data[bad] = acopy[bad]
            data[bad] = self.missing
        return data

    def _dtype(self):
        return np.uint8

    def _get(self, var):
            return _get_(var, _from_=self)
        except _NoMethodFound:
            return _get_(var, _from_=thismodule())
        except _NoMethodFound:
        return self._default_get

    def _get_avariable(self, var, data):
        variable = self._get(var)(var, data)
        return Variable(var, variable, self)

    def _get_coordinates(self, var=None):
        if not var:
            return self._coordinates()
        if var in self._coordinates():
            return (var,)
        return tuple([c for c in self._coordinates() if c != 'variable'])

    def _get_dimensions(self):
        dims = OrderedDict(list(zip(self._coordinates(), self._shape())))
        del dims['variable']
        return dims

    def _get_variables(self):
        data = OrderedDict()
            stream = readgz(self.filename)
            return data
        bmap = unpack(stream, shape=self._shape(), dtype=self._dtype())
        for var in self._variables():
            data[var] = self._get_avariable(var, bmap)
        return data

def readgz(filename):
    with, 'rb') as f:
        stream =
    return stream

def thismodule():
    return sys.modules[__name__]

def unpack(stream, shape, dtype):
    count = reduce(mul, shape)
    return np.fromstring(stream, dtype=dtype, count=count).reshape(shape)

"""Library of Methods for _get_ Functions:"""

def btest(ival, ipos):
    """Same usage as Fortran btest function."""
    return (ival & (1 << ipos)) != 0

def cosd(x):
    return np.cos(np.radians(x))

def get_data(bmap, indx, dtype=np.float64):
    """Return numpy array of dytpe for the variable in bmap given by indx."""
    return np.array(np.squeeze(bmap[..., indx, :, :]), dtype=dtype)

def get_uv(speed, direction):
    Given speed and direction (degrees oceanographic),
    return u (zonal) and v (meridional) components.
    u = speed * sind(direction)
    v = speed * cosd(direction)
    return u, v

def ibits(ival, ipos, ilen):
    """Same usage as Fortran ibits function."""
    ones = ((1 << ilen)-1)
    return (ival & (ones << ipos)) >> ipos

def is_bad(bmap, maxvalid=250):
    """Return mask where data are bad."""
    return bmap > maxvalid

def sind(x):
    return np.sin(np.radians(x))

where = np.where

"""Library of Named Exceptions:"""

_NoMethodFound = AttributeError

_NoValueFound = (AttributeError, KeyError)

_NotFound = AttributeError

"""Library of Named _get_ Functions:"""

def _get_(var, _from_):
    return getattr(_from_, '_get_%s' % var)

def _get_ice(var, bmap, indx=0, icevalue=252):
    return get_data(bmap, indx, dtype=bmap.dtype) == icevalue

def _get_land(var, bmap, indx=0, landvalue=255):
    return get_data(bmap, indx, dtype=bmap.dtype) == landvalue

def _get_latitude(var, bmap, nlat=720, dlat=0.25, lat0=-89.875):
    if np.shape(bmap)[-2] != nlat:
        sys.exit('Latitude mismatch')
    return np.array([dlat*ilat + lat0 for ilat in range(nlat)])

def _get_longitude(var, bmap, nlon=1440, dlon=0.25, lon0=0.125):
    if np.shape(bmap)[-1] != nlon:
        sys.exit('Longitude mismatch')
    return np.array([dlon*ilon + lon0 for ilon in range(nlon)])

def _get_nodata(var, bmap, indx=0):
    return is_bad(get_data(bmap, indx, dtype=bmap.dtype))

class Variable(np.ndarray):
    """Variable exists solely to subclass numpy array with attributes."""

    def __new__(cls, var, data, dataset):
        obj = np.asarray(data).view(cls)
        for attr in dataset._attributes():
            get = _get_(attr, _from_=dataset)
            setattr(obj, attr, get(var))
        return obj

OneOb = namedtuple('OneOb', 'lon lat asc val ndp')
OneOb corresponds to one observation from verify file with:
    lon = longitude index
    lat = latitude index
    asc = ascending/descending index
    val = verify value
    ndp = number of decimal places given in verify
    The (asc,lat,lon) indices are 0-based.

def places(astring):
    Given a string representing a floating-point number,
    return number of decimal places of precision (note: is negative).
    return decimal.Decimal(astring).as_tuple().exponent

def readtext(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    return lines

def tokenize(line):
    return [item.strip() for item in line.split()]

def zerobased(indx):
    return indx - 1

class QuikScatDaily(Dataset):
    """Read daily QSCAT bytemaps.
    Public data:
        filename = name of data file
        missing = fill value used for missing data;
                  if None, then fill with byte codes (251-255)
        dimensions = dictionary of dimensions for each coordinate
        variables = dictionary of data for each variable

    This routine will read RSS scatterometer daily bytemap files.
    reads version-4 files released April 2011

    The routine reads the quikscat file and similar to a netCDF file provides
    the contents and variable attributes:
    'mingmt' : 'Minute of Day UTC',
    'windspd' : '10-m Surface Wind Speed in m/s',
    'winddir' : '10-m Surface Wind Direction', degrees the wind is blowing to,
                North = 0 deg
    'scatflag' : 'Scatterometer Rain Flag', 0=no rain, 1=rain
    'radrain' : 'Radiometer Rain Flag', collocated radiometer columnar rain
                rate in km*mm/hr
                this is found using an SSMI or TMI observation within 60
                minutes of the scat obs.
        radrain contains -999. where there is no collocated radiometer data
                            0. where there is radiometer data, but there is no
                               measurable rain
                           -1. where there is radiometer data, no measurable
                               rain, but nearby cells have rain
                            0.5 to 31.0  km*mm/hr radiometer columnar rain
                                         rate for that cell
    'longitude' : 'Grid Cell Center Longitude',
    'latitude' : 'Grid Cell Center Latitude',
    'land' : 'Is this land?',
    'ice' : 'Is this ice?',
    'nodata' : 'Is there no data?'

    The center of the first cell of the 1440 column and 720 row map is at
    0.125 E longitude and -89.875 latitude.
    The center of the second cell is 0.375 E longitude, -89.875 latitude.
        real lat = 0.25 * cell y position -90.125
        real lon = 0.25 * cell x position -0.125

    please read the description file on for information on the
    various fields, or contact RSS support:

    program created for quikscat  Aug 2013

    def __init__(self, filename, missing=-999.):
        Required arguments:
            filename = name of data file to be read (string)

        Optional arguments:
            missing = fill value for missing data,
                      default is the value used in verify file
        self.filename = filename
        self.missing = missing

    def _attributes(self):
        return ['coordinates', 'long_name', 'units', 'valid_min', 'valid_max']

    def _coordinates(self):
        return ('orbit_segment', 'variable', 'latitude', 'longitude')

    def _shape(self):
        return (2, 4, 720, 1440)

    def _variables(self):
        return ['mingmt', 'windspd', 'winddir', 'scatflag', 'radrain',
                'longitude', 'latitude', 'land', 'ice', 'nodata']

    def _get_index(self, var):
        return {'windspd': 1,
                'winddir': 2,
                'rain': 3,

    def _get_scale(self, var):
        return {'mingmt': 6.0,
                'windspd': 0.2,
                'winddir': 1.5,

    def _get_long_name(self, var):
        return {'mingmt': 'Minute of Day UTC',
                'windspd': '10-m Surface Wind Speed',
                'winddir': '10-m Surface Wind Direction',
                'scatflag': 'Scatterometer Rain Flag',
                'radrain': 'Radiometer Rain Flag',
                'longitude': 'Grid Cell Center Longitude',
                'latitude': 'Grid Cell Center Latitude',
                'land': 'Is this land?',
                'ice': 'Is this ice?',
                'nodata': 'Is there no data?',

    def _get_units(self, var):
        return {'mingmt': 'minute of day',
                'windspd': 'm/s',
                'winddir': 'deg oceanographic',
                'scatflag': '0=no-rain, 1=rain',
                'radrain': '0=no-rain, -1=adjacent rain, >0=rain(km*mm/hr)',
                'longitude': 'degrees east',
                'latitude': 'degrees north',
                'land': 'True or False',
                'ice': 'True or False',
                'nodata': 'True or False',

    def _get_valid_min(self, var):
        return {'mingmt': 0.0,
                'windspd': 0.0,
                'winddir': 0.0,
                'scatflag': 0,
                'radrain': -1,
                'longitude': 0.0,
                'latitude': -90.0,
                'land': False,
                'ice': False,
                'nodata': False,

    def _get_valid_max(self, var):
        return {'mingmt': 1440.0,
                'windspd': 50.0,
                'winddir': 360.0,
                'scatflag': 1,
                'radrain': 31,
                'longitude': 360.0,
                'latitude': 90.0,
                'land': True,
                'ice': True,
                'nodata': True,

    def _get_mingmt(self, var, bmap):
        mingmt = get_data(bmap, indx=0)
        mingmt *= self._get_scale(var)
        return mingmt

    def _get_scatflag(self, var, bmap):
        indx = self._get_index('rain')
        scatflag = get_data(ibits(bmap, ipos=0, ilen=1), indx=indx)
        bad = is_bad(get_data(bmap, indx=0))
        scatflag[bad] = self.missing
        return scatflag

    def _get_radrain(self, var, bmap):
        indx = self._get_index('rain')
        radrain = get_data(ibits(bmap, ipos=1, ilen=1), indx=indx)
        good = (radrain == 1)
        radrain[~good] = self.missing
        intrain = get_data(ibits(bmap, ipos=2, ilen=6), indx=indx)
        nonrain = where(intrain == 0)
        adjrain = where(intrain == 1)
        hasrain = where(intrain > 1)
        intrain[nonrain] = 0.0
        intrain[adjrain] = -1.0
        intrain[hasrain] = 0.5 * (intrain[hasrain]-1)
        radrain[good] = intrain[good]
        bad = is_bad(get_data(bmap, indx=0))
        radrain[bad] = self.missing
        return radrain

class QuikScatAveraged(Dataset):
    """ Read averaged QSCAT bytemaps.
    Public data:
        filename = name of data file
        missing = fill value used for missing data;
                  if None, then fill with byte codes (251-255)
        dimensions = dictionary of dimensions for each coordinate
        variables = dictionary of data for each variable

    This subroutine will read RSS scatterometer time-averaged bytemap files.
    reads version-4 files released April 2011

    The routine reads the quikscat file and similar to a netCDF file provides
    the contents and variable attributes:
    'windspd' : '10-m Surface Wind Speed in m/s',
    'winddir' : '10-m Surface Wind Direction', degrees the wind is blowing to,
                North = 0 deg
    'scatflag' : 'Scatterometer Rain Flag', 0=no rain, 1=rain
    'radrain' : 'Radiometer Rain Flag', collocated radiometer columnar rain
                rate in km*mm/hr this is found using an SSMI or TMI
                observation within 60 minutes of the scat obs.
        radrain contains -999. where there is no collocated radiometer data
                            0. where there is radiometer data, but there is no
                               measurable rain
                           -1. where there is radiometer data, no measurable
                               rain, but nearby cells have rain
                            0.5 to 31.0  km*mm/hr radiometer columnar rain
                                         rate for that cell
    'longitude' : 'Grid Cell Center Longitude',
    'latitude' : 'Grid Cell Center Latitude',
    'land' : 'Is this land?',
    'ice' : 'Is this ice?',
    'nodata' : 'Is there no data?'

    The center of the first cell of the 1440 column and 720 row map is at
    0.125 E longitude and -89.875 latitude.  The center of the second cell is
    0.375 E longitude, -89.875 latitude.
        real lat = 0.25 * cell y position -90.125
        real lon = 0.25 * cell x position -0.125

    please read the description file on for information on the
    various fields, or contact RSS support:

    program created for quikscat  Aug 2013

    def __init__(self, filename, missing=-999.):
        Required arguments:
            filename = name of data file to be read (string)

        Optional arguments:
            missing = fill value for missing data,
                      default is the value used in verify file
        self.filename = filename
        self.missing = missing

    def _attributes(self):
        return ['coordinates', 'long_name', 'units', 'valid_min', 'valid_max']

    def _coordinates(self):
        return ('variable', 'latitude', 'longitude')

    def _shape(self):
        return (3, 720, 1440)

    def _variables(self):
        return ['windspd', 'winddir', 'scatflag', 'radrain',
                'longitude', 'latitude', 'land', 'ice', 'nodata']

    # _default_get():
    def _get_index(self, var):
        return {'windspd': 0,
                'winddir': 1,
                'rain': 2}[var]

    def _get_scale(self, var):
        return {'windspd': 0.2,
                'winddir': 1.5}[var]

    def _get_long_name(self, var):
        return {'windspd': '10-m Surface Wind Speed',
                'winddir': '10-m Surface Wind Direction',
                'scatflag': 'Scatterometer Rain Flag',
                'radrain': 'Radiometer Rain Flag',
                'longitude': 'Grid Cell Center Longitude',
                'latitude': 'Grid Cell Center Latitude',
                'land': 'Is this land?',
                'ice': 'Is this ice?',
                'nodata': 'Is there no data?',

    def _get_units(self, var):
        return {'windspd': 'm/s',
                'winddir': 'deg oceanographic',
                'scatflag': '0=no-rain, 1=rain',
                'radrain': '0=no-rain, -1=adjacent rain, >0=rain(km*mm/hr)',
                'longitude': 'degrees east',
                'latitude': 'degrees north',
                'land': 'True or False',
                'ice': 'True or False',
                'nodata': 'True or False',

    def _get_valid_min(self, var):
        return {'windspd': 0.0,
                'winddir': 0.0,
                'scatflag': 0,
                'radrain': -1,
                'longitude': 0.0,
                'latitude': -90.0,
                'land': False,
                'ice': False,
                'nodata': False,

    def _get_valid_max(self, var):
        return {'windspd': 50.0,
                'winddir': 360.0,
                'scatflag': 1,
                'radrain': 31,
                'longitude': 360.0,
                'latitude': 90.0,
                'land': True,
                'ice': True,
                'nodata': True,

    def _get_scatflag(self, var, bmap):
        indx = self._get_index('rain')
        scatflag = get_data(ibits(bmap, ipos=0, ilen=1), indx=indx)
        bad = is_bad(get_data(bmap, indx=0))
        scatflag[bad] = self.missing
        return scatflag

    def _get_radrain(self, var, bmap):
        indx = self._get_index('rain')
        radrain = get_data(ibits(bmap, ipos=1, ilen=1), indx=indx)
        good = (radrain == 1)
        radrain[~good] = self.missing
        intrain = get_data(ibits(bmap, ipos=2, ilen=6), indx=indx)
        nonrain = where(intrain == 0)
        adjrain = where(intrain == 1)
        hasrain = where(intrain > 1)
        intrain[nonrain] = 0.0
        intrain[adjrain] = -1.0
        intrain[hasrain] = 0.5*(intrain[hasrain]-1)
        radrain[good] = intrain[good]
        bad = is_bad(get_data(bmap, indx=0))
        radrain[bad] = self.missing
        return radrain
