Here is a quick example on how to create a kmzfile
with image overlays using
matplotlib and
The make_kml()
function below is just a wrapper around simplekml
. It takes as
- A list of matplotlib figures;
- The figure(s) LatLon box (all overlays must have the same bbox);
- An optional keyword for the colorbar for one of the overlays;
- Some keyword options to tweak the kml/kmz file.
All keywords (kw
) can be modified during the make_kml()
call. You can read
more about them here.
from simplekml import (Kml, OverlayXY, ScreenXY, Units, RotationXY,
AltitudeMode, Camera)
def make_kml(llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat,
figs, colorbar=None, **kw):
"""TODO: LatLon bbox, list of figs, optional colorbar figure,
and several simplekml kw..."""
kml = Kml()
altitude = kw.pop('altitude', 2e7)
roll = kw.pop('roll', 0)
tilt = kw.pop('tilt', 0)
altitudemode = kw.pop('altitudemode', AltitudeMode.relativetoground)
camera = Camera(latitude=np.mean([urcrnrlat, llcrnrlat]),
longitude=np.mean([urcrnrlon, llcrnrlon]),
altitude=altitude, roll=roll, tilt=tilt,
altitudemode=altitudemode) = camera
draworder = 0
for fig in figs: # NOTE: Overlays are limited to the same bbox.
draworder += 1
ground = kml.newgroundoverlay(name='GroundOverlay')
ground.draworder = draworder
ground.visibility = kw.pop('visibility', 1) = kw.pop('name', 'overlay')
ground.color = kw.pop('color', '9effffff')
ground.atomauthor = kw.pop('author', 'ocefpaf')
ground.latlonbox.rotation = kw.pop('rotation', 0)
ground.description = kw.pop('description', 'Matplotlib figure')
ground.gxaltitudemode = kw.pop('gxaltitudemode',
ground.icon.href = fig
ground.latlonbox.east = llcrnrlon
ground.latlonbox.south = llcrnrlat
ground.latlonbox.north = urcrnrlat
ground.latlonbox.west = urcrnrlon
if colorbar: # Options for colorbar are hard-coded (to avoid a big mess).
screen = kml.newscreenoverlay(name='ScreenOverlay')
screen.icon.href = colorbar
screen.overlayxy = OverlayXY(x=0, y=0,
screen.screenxy = ScreenXY(x=0.015, y=0.075,
screen.rotationXY = RotationXY(x=0.5, y=0.5,
screen.size.x = 0
screen.size.y = 0
screen.size.xunits = Units.fraction
screen.size.yunits = Units.fraction
screen.visibility = 1
kmzfile = kw.pop('kmzfile', 'overlay.kmz')
We will also need a gearth_fig()
function. It is actually is a wrapper
around matplotlib's Figure
and Axes
to create a figure that is
"Google-Earth KML" friendly. The ideas for this function are originally from
the octant library.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def gearth_fig(llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, pixels=1024):
"""Return a Matplotlib `fig` and `ax` handles for a Google-Earth Image."""
aspect = np.cos(np.mean([llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat]) * np.pi/180.0)
xsize = np.ptp([urcrnrlon, llcrnrlon]) * aspect
ysize = np.ptp([urcrnrlat, llcrnrlat])
aspect = ysize / xsize
if aspect > 1.0:
figsize = (10.0 / aspect, 10.0)
figsize = (10.0, 10.0 * aspect)
if False:
plt.ioff() # Make `True` to prevent the KML components from poping-up.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize,
# KML friendly image. If using basemap try: `fix_aspect=False`.
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
ax.set_xlim(llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon)
ax.set_ylim(llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat)
return fig, ax
We will test it with the Mean Dynamic Topography from AVISO. Below are examples for two overlays, the Mean Dynamic Topography and the velocity vectors derived from it.
import as ma
from netCDF4 import Dataset, date2index, num2date
nc = Dataset('./data/')
u = nc.variables['Grid_0002'][:]
v = nc.variables['Grid_0003'][:]
lat = nc.variables['NbLatitudes'][:]
lon = nc.variables['NbLongitudes'][:]
lat, lon = np.meshgrid(lat, lon)
mdt = nc.variables['Grid_0001'][:]
mdt = ma.masked_equal(mdt, 9999.0)
Overlay 1:
from palettable import colorbrewer
pixels = 1024 * 10
cmap = colorbrewer.get_map('RdYlGn', 'diverging', 11, reverse=True).mpl_colormap
fig, ax = gearth_fig(llcrnrlon=lon.min(),
cs = ax.pcolormesh(lon, lat, mdt, cmap=cmap)
fig.savefig('overlay1.png', transparent=False, format='png')
the colorbar for overlay 1,
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1.0, 4.0), facecolor=None, frameon=False)
ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.9])
cb = fig.colorbar(cs, cax=ax)
cb.set_label('Mean Dynamic Topography [m]', rotation=-90, color='k', labelpad=20)
fig.savefig('legend.png', transparent=False, format='png') # Change transparent to True if your colorbar is not on space :)
... and overlay 2
fig, ax = gearth_fig(llcrnrlon=lon.min(),
Q = ax.quiver(lon[::10, ::10], lat[::10, ::10], u[::10, ::10], v[::10, ::10], scale=30)
ax.quiverkey(Q, 0.86, 0.45, 1, '1 m s$^{-1}$', labelpos='W')
fig.savefig('overlay2.png', transparent=True, format='png')
With the saved fiures we are ready to call make_kml
make_kml(llcrnrlon=lon.min(), llcrnrlat=lat.min(),
urcrnrlon=lon.max(), urcrnrlat=lat.max(),
figs=['overlay1.png', 'overlay2.png'], colorbar='legend.png',
kmzfile='mdt_uv.kmz', name='Mean Dynamic Topography and velocity')
All done! You can inspect the KMZ file yourself.
from IPython.core.display import Image
Image('../../figures/gearth.jpg', retina=True)