This post is part of the
Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd Edition
post series on converting the MatlabTM examples to python. Chapter 8 is about
Ekman Dynamics. This chapter contains two m_files ekmanh.m
where the former is the exact solution and the latter the
spectral solution for the Ekman layer with constant eddy viscosity.
Starting from the following system of equation:
$$ -fv = -\dfrac{1}{\rho_o} \dfrac{\partial p}{\partial x} +\nu_E \dfrac{\partial^2u}{\partial z^2} $$ $$ +fu = -\dfrac{1}{\rho_o} \dfrac{\partial p}{\partial y} +\nu_E \dfrac{\partial^2v}{\partial z^2} $$ $$ 0 = -\dfrac{1}{\rho_o} \dfrac{\partial p}{\partial z} $$
If we align the x–axis with the direction of $\bar{u}$ we can write the boundary conditions as:
$$ \text{at } z=0 \text{ (bottom): } u = v = 0 $$ $$ \text{at } z>> d \text{ (interior): } u = \bar{u},\quad v = 0,\quad p=\bar{p}(x, y) $$
$$ 0 = -\dfrac{1}{\rho_o} \dfrac{\partial \bar{p}}{\partial x} $$
$$ f\bar{u} = -\dfrac{1}{\rho_o} \dfrac{\partial \bar{p}}{\partial y} = \text{constant} $$
Plugin these in the equations above:
$$ -fv = \nu E \dfrac{d^2u}{d z^2} $$ $$ f(u - \bar{u}) = \nu E \dfrac{d^2v}{d z^2} $$
we will seek a solution in the form of $u = \bar{u} + A\exp(\lambda z)$ and $v = \exp(\lambda z)$, we know that $\lambda$ is $\nu^2\lambda^4+f^2 = 0$,
$$\lambda = \pm(1\pm i)\dfrac{1}{d},$$
where $d$ is,
$$d = \sqrt{\dfrac{2\nu_E}{f}}$$
Below are the python version and the parameters used for this problem. For further information read chapter 8 of the book.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def spectralekman(N):
"""Function that calculates the spectral solution of the Ekman layer with constant eddy viscosity.
The parameter N is the number of modes retained. If run with N=5 you can recreate figure 8--12.
For higher values if N you can see the behaviour of Figure 8--13. Two see how a solution behaves
for the wind-stress case, use isol=True."""
# 1st.
j = np.arange(N)
s = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * h) / (np.pi * (2 * (j+1)-1))
phih = np.sqrt(2 / h) * (-1)**(j)
eigen = (2 * (j+1)-1)**2 * np.pi * np.pi * nu / (4 * h**2)
FX = -pressx * s + taux * phih
FY = -pressy * s + tauy * phih
a = (eigen * FX + f * FY) / (eigen**2 + f**2)
b = (eigen * FY - f * FX) / (eigen**2 + f**2)
# 2nd.
U = np.zeros(KM)
V = np.zeros_like(U)
uex = np.zeros_like(U)
vex = np.zeros_like(U)
z = (np.arange(1, KM + 1) - 1) * h / (KM - 1)
for j in np.arange(N)[::-1]:
U += a[j] * np.sqrt(2 / h) * np.sin((2 * (j+1)-1) * np.pi / 2 * z / h)
V += b[j] * np.sqrt(2 / h) * np.sin((2 * (j+1)-1) * np.pi / 2 * z / h)
uex, vex = ekmanh(h / dek, z / dek)
if isol:
uex = uex * taux / nu * dek
vex = vex * taux / nu * dek
uex = -(1 + uex) * pressy / f
vex = -vex * pressy / f
err = 0
for k in range(0, KM):
err += (U[k] - uex[k])**2 + (V[k] - vex[k])**2
err = np.sqrt(err / KM)
aa = np.log(a**2)
xx = np.log(np.arange(1, N+1))
return uex, vex, U, V, z, err, aa, xx
def ekmanh(h, z):
"""Function called by `spectralekman`. It provides the exact solution of the problem."""
if isol: # No pressure gradient, du/dz=1 dv/dz=0.
u = ((np.sin(h) * np.sinh(h) * (np.cosh(z) * np.sin(z) - np.cos(z) * np.sinh(z)) +
np.cos(h) * np.cosh(h) * (np.cosh(z) * np.sin(z) + np.cos(z) * np.sinh(z))) /
(np.cos(2 * h) + np.cosh(2 * h)))
v = ((-np.sin(h) * np.sinh(h) * (np.cosh(z) * np.sin(z) + np.cos(z) * np.sinh(z)) +
np.cos(h) * np.cosh(h) * (np.cosh(z) * np.sin(z) -np.cos(z) * np.sinh(z))) /
(np.cos(2 * h) + np.cosh(2 * h)))
else: # No wind stress, ug = 1, vg=0.
u = (-np.exp(-z) * (np.exp(2 * h) * ( 1 + np.exp(2 * z)) * np.cos(2 * h - z) +
(np.exp(4 * h) - np.exp(2 * z)) * np.cos(z)) /
(1 + np.exp(4 * h) + 2 * np.exp(2 * h) * np.cos(2 * h)))
v = (np.exp(-z) * (np.exp(2 * h) * (-1 + np.exp(2 * z)) * np.sin(2 * h - z) +
(np.exp(4 * h) - np.exp(2 * z)) * np.sin(z)) /
(1 + np.exp(4 * h) + 2 * np.exp(2 * h) * np.cos(2 * h)))
return u, v
isol = False
title = "Wind stress solution." if isol else "Pressure gradient solution."
nu = 0.01
h = 100
f = 0.0001
tauy = 0
pressx = 0
if isol:
taux = 10e-6 * 10 * 10 * 1
pressy = 0
taux = 0
pressy = 9.81 * 1/1000000
KM = 400
dek = np.sqrt(2 * nu / f)
uex, vex, U, V, z, err, aa, xx = spectralekman(N=5)
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax0.plot(uex, z, vex, z, U, z, 'r-.', V, z, 'k-.')
ax0.set_ylabel('z'), aa + 40, width=0.1)
_ = fig.suptitle('Ekman Layer solution for %s' % title)
isol = True
title = "Wind stress solution." if isol else "Pressure gradient solution."
nu = 0.01
h = 100
f = 0.0001
tauy = 0
pressx = 0
if isol:
taux = 10e-6 * 10 * 10 * 1
pressy = 0
taux = 0
pressy = 9.81 * 1/1000000
KM = 400
dek = np.sqrt(2 * nu / f)
uex, vex, U, V, z, err, aa, xx = spectralekman(N=5)
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax0.plot(uex, z, vex, z, U, z, 'r-.', V, z, 'k-.')
ax0.set_ylabel('z'), aa + 40, width=0.1)
_ = fig.suptitle('Ekman Layer solution for %s' % title)
I am using N=5
for both Wind Stress and Pressure Gradient solutions. Play
with the parameters according to the exercises in the book. Have fun
exploring all the possible solutions!