My new job is forcing me to surrender to conda. I have to say that I still prefer to keep all my packages at my home repository for openSUSE, but I have to admit that conda is quite useful.
First we need to download Miniconda, or get the whole thing, and then let conda updated itself.
wget -O
chmod +x
./ -b
Note that I am downloading Miniconda for 64 bit Linux! Be sure to download the right file for your system.
Now we need to add Miniconda
binaries to our path (if that is going to
become your main python you should add that to your .bashrc
export PATH=/$HOME/anaconda/bin:$PATH
I always create a virtual environments for each job:
conda create --yes -n ocefpaf python=2.7
And let's activate it:
source activate ocefpaf
Now we are ready to install python packages.
conda install oceans
That simple command should give you virtually everything you need for most of the posts in this blog.
Once you are done with that virtual environment just type source deactivate
and everything is back to normal.