I just handed python-gsw over to the TEOS-10 group. Even though that is probably my dearest project, I do not have the time to be a full time developer anymore. However, I will gladly review Pull Requests (PRs) ;-)
That is why I decide to post a small recipe to help people get started with GitHub PRs.
This post not intended to be a complete guide on how to fork, branch, and prepare a Pull Request. It is just a recipe with a few commands, like a copy-and-paste cheat sheet.
Setting the fork up
The first step is to create a GitHub account, and to configure git. Then you may navigate to
and fork the code by clicking on the upper right "Fork" button.
After that you may clone your fork using ssh
git clone git@github.com:your_username_here/python-gsw.git
or https
git clone https://github.com/your_username_here/python-gsw.git
I like to use ssh and here is how to setup it up with GitHub. Now type
git remote -v
You should see your forked repository as origin
. Before continuing you need
to set an upstream
repository. You will be able to fetch code from upstream
and send PRs there. Let's set the new official repository as upstream
git remote add upstream https://github.com/TEOS-10/python-gsw.git
Now type git remote -v
again and note that you should have both upstream
and origin
listed. For the upstream I like to use https instead of ssh. The
main reason is to avoid pushing directly to it. Hopefully that will be clear
in a moment.
Pull Request (PR)
PRs are more than a request to incorporate your code into the upstream
repository, they are how developer "talk" and "evolve" ideas. Usually a PR is
not merged right away. In fact a PR is the beginning of a discussion.
Here is an
example of that conversation happens (that is my very first PR to matplotlib).
How to submit a PR? First create a branch on your fork and check the branch out*:
# Use meaningful branch names like "fix_bug_x" or "add_feature_y".
git branch my_awesome_code
git checkout my_awesome_code
Now code away! Create file and add it with git add new_file
, modify a file
and commit it with git commit my_modified_file
. Use git status
to see
what was modified and git diff my_modified_file
to see the differences.
Consider using some git
to help with your work flow.
It is good practice to make small increments when modifying a code. Send
several small PRs instead of a big one, specially if the modifications are not
related to each other. Once you have finished your changes it is time to push
your local branch to origin
git push --set-upstream origin my_awesome_code
That is not the PR yet! You need to open a browser and go to your fork on GitHub, you should see a "Create pull request" button. Click on that, write a meaningful message and let's talk code!
Last comments
After the PR is merge you can delete your branch with
git branch -D my_awesome_code
and prune remote branches with
git remote prune origin
. Remember to keep your local copy up-to-date with
by issuing git fetch upstream
and then git merge upstream/master
(You may use git pull
instead, but I will leave as an exercise for you to
find what are are the differences and why fetch
is preferable to pull
That is basically it. But git+GiHub is much more than that! There are plenty of questions on stackoverflow that might help you go a little bit further. Also, take a look at matplotlib's and iris' developers guide.
I hope that this post got you excited to help the python-gsw project.
* Consider making your prompt git aware. If you use bash try http://bl.ocks.org/mikeric/3989635, if you use zshel try the amazing http://ohmyz.sh/
** Here are my aliases:
pull = pull --ff-only
st = status -s
ci = commit
co = checkout
diff = diff --word-diff
ll = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --numstat
ls = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=relative
filelog = log -u
la = "!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-"
grep = grep -Ii