Right after I test ttide_py a friend told me about the python version of the Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction (UTide) written by Wesley Bowman.
UTide seems to be a significant advance over t_tide. So let's try the python version! I will use the same data from my previous t_tide posts for comparison.
from datetime import datetime
from pandas import read_table, DataFrame
def date_parser(year, day, month, hour):
year, day, month, hour = map(int, (year, day, month, hour))
return datetime(year, day, month, hour)
parse_dates = dict(datetime=['year', 'month', 'day','hour'])
names = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'elev', 'flag']
obs = read_table('./data/can1998.dtf',
usecols=range(1, 7),
Now let's remove the mean and interpolate the bad data points.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bad = obs['flag'] == 2
corrected = obs['flag'] == 1
obs[bad] = np.NaN
obs['anomaly'] = obs['elev'] - obs['elev'].mean()
obs['anomaly'] = obs['anomaly'].interpolate()
Python UTide is still in its early development stage. There are no docs at this point.
I opened an issue regarding the input/output description.
For now I am assuming it takes a matplotlib date2num
data for the
time argument. Note also that we have to specify all the inputs, even when
they are empty.
from utide import ut_solv
from matplotlib.dates import date2num
lat = -25.0147
time = date2num(obs.index.to_pydatetime())
coef = ut_solv(time, obs['anomaly'].values, np.array([]), lat, cnstit='auto',
notrend=True, rmin=0.95, method='ols',
nodiagn=True, linci=True, conf_int=True)
Now let's reconstruct the tidal series,
from utide import ut_reconstr
xout, _ = ut_reconstr(time, coef)
and plot them.
fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharey=True, sharex=True, figsize=(13, 5))
ax0.plot(obs.index, obs['anomaly'], label=u'Observations')
ax0.legend(numpoints=1, loc='lower right')
ax1.plot(obs.index, xout, alpha=0.5, label=u'Prediction')
ax1.legend(numpoints=1, loc='lower right')
ax2.plot(obs.index, obs['anomaly']-xout, alpha=0.5, label=u'Residue')
_ = ax2.legend(numpoints=1, loc='lower right')
The python version of UTide needs some help. Try it out, open issues, sent PRs, request features etc.