I already wrote about how to build this blog using pelican, how to create sites with Jekyll, and Hyde. In the past I also tried Nikola and even raw HTML. However, since I found out about mkdocs, I gave up all others. Particularly when building quick sites for classes, courses and (obviously) docs.
Mkdocs is extremely simple. All you need is to pip install mkdocs
and then
new Create a new MkDocs project
build Build the MkDocs documentation
serve Run the built-in development server
gh-deploy Deploy your documentation to GitHub Pages
In that order! Well, you need to flesh a configuration file out after new
, and
works only if you are hosting your page as a GitHub project page ;-)
Here is a config file example:
site_name: My Awesome Site
- Home: index.md
- About: about.md
theme_dir: custom
site_description: My awesome site
site_url: https://username.github.io/awesome_site
repo_url: https://github.com/username/awesome_site
site_author: Your Name Here
site_favicon: favicon.png
docs_dir: src
site_dir: _site
copyright: Preferably a copyleft ;-)
- toc:
permalink: ""
- extra
- smarty
- math
- markdown_checklist.extension
extra_javascript: ['https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML','js/mathjaxhelper.js']
google_analytics: ['UA-xxxxxx-xx', 'username.github.io']
The file is mostly self explanatory. You need to fill in the information about your site while choosing themes, markdown extensions, etc. Check mkdocs documentation for more information.
The actual pages are in fact just Markdown files. Easy to write, easy to
deploy! Once you get the basic config going you can always type
mkdocs serve
, before editing, your files and the changes will be re-rendered as you type.
Click here to see a rendered example of the results.