
Turning ripples into waves

How to use IPython notebook

(Updating my exercises and examples for IPython Notebook class. This post was written in Portuguese.)

Exercício 01:

Noções básicas de como mexer no notebook:

* Cada célula representa uma etapa do seu código executada separadamente.
* Para executar a célula digite o código e aperte "shitf+enter" quando terminar.
* Para cancelar/sair ...

Removing spikes from CTD data — Part 2

There are two different types of spikes that may happen in CTD data:

  1. Bad data from electrical failures. Usually it manifest in all the measured variables (Temperature, Conductivity, Oxygen, etc);
  2. Salinity spikes due to a wrong temperature value used when computing it from conductivity. This can happen due to a ...

Removing spikes from CTD data — Part 1

There are two different types of spikes that may happen in CTD data:

  1. Bad data from electrical failures. Usually it manifest in all the measured variables (Temperature, Conductivity, Oxygen, etc);
  2. Salinity spikes due to a wrong temperature value used when computing it from conductivity. This can happen due to a ...

Pandas for CTD data

Pandas is an amazing python module to deal with data. It has tons of features worthwhile learning, but the best of all is how quick one can explore a data with just a few code lines once you learn the basics.

I wrote a small module to read CTD (also ...

Dealing with spiky data

The first steps to clean a data-set is to remove outliers (or spikes). Some spikes are easy to spot with a simple histogram of the data. Let's take a look at a velocity time-series with some bad data.

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...

Using Basemap to plot points over a SST figure

Plotting a hydrographic cruise over the latest Sea Surface Temperature image available can help a lot with the planning and/or interpretation of the cruise data.

So first let's define a handy function to generate the such a map:

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as ...


I'll try to write here some code snippets to help analyze, visualize and explore data in oceans sciences.

This post is just a test!

Testing a full notebook:

In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML

with open('creative_commons.txt', 'r') as f:
    html =
name = '2013-05-06-First_post'

html ...